Thursday 29 October 2009

Chemicals that you should avoid in your daily life !

Toxic Cosmetics Ingredient List

Do you know, we are actually poisoning ourselves daily ? To know more please visit
: Toxic Cosmetics Ingredient List.

Stop abusing your skin, stop toxic cosmetics products!

Live naturally, life healthier !

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Sabun Semula Jadi : Sabun Herbal Artemsia

Sabun Herbal Artemsia

Artemsia argyi adalah satu tumbuhan ubat-ubatan yang ber nilai tinggi. Pengamal perubatan traditional menggunakan A. argyi untuk melegakan kesakitan dan kegatalan kulit, mengubati penyakit ekzema, kudis, veruka vulgaris, ketuat plana, ekzema skrotum, reumatoid, artritis, ruam kulit dan dermatitis. Kajian terkini juga mendapati, A. argyi mempunyai kesan penyahjangkitan kuman yang kuat. Penggunaan bahan ekstrak daripada daun-daun segar A. argyi boleh meningkatkan kuasa antiseptik dan penyahjangkitan sabun. Selain itu, formula sabun ini juga mengandungi "tea tree oil"  dan "eucalyptus oil" untuk meningkatkan lagi kesan anti-bakteria dan anti-septik sabun dan membantu bagi melegakan masalah kulit..

Bahan-bahan : Ekstrak daun-daun segar Artemsia argyi, minyak organik semula jadi (avocado, zaitun, kelapa sawit, kelapa, castor); minyak pati semula jadi (barus putih, pudina, kayu putih); air tulen dan natrium hidroksida.

Fungsi : Boleh merawat ekzema, kudis dan masalah-masalah kulit. Antiseptik dan berkesan dalam melegakan gatal, jerawat dan ruam panas. Membersihkan liang-liang bulu roma yang tersumbat dan memudahkan penjanaan semula sell-sel kulit yang baru.

100 % sabun semula jadi berasaskan bahan tumbuhan.

Tidak mangandungi bahan karsinogen.

Tiada bahan pengawet, wangian dan pencelup kimia.

Hidup cara semula jadi,

hidup jadi lebih sempurna !

Saturday 24 October 2009

Sabun Semula Jadi : C-Element Soap

C-Element Soap

C-element soap membantu memperkecilkan liang-liang bulu roma; memutihkan kulit; menolong menyingkirkan sel-sel kulit yang mati dan membersihkan kulit. Ia juga ialah sabun antiseptik yang berkesan untuk menjaga kesihatan kulit dan melegakan kegatalan kulit. Ia diperbuat daripada zarah-zarah karbon aktif halus yang berkesan untuk menyerap dan menyingkirkan rembesan minyak yang berlebihan daripada kulit; pancaran inframerah panjangnya pula boleh melancarkan peredaran darah dan kadar metabolisme serta melegakan keletihan. Sementara itu, lemon grass oil berkesan untuk mengekalkan kulit yang anjal, putih dan licin.

Bahan-bahan: Serbuk karbon aktif halus, minyak semula jadi (avocado, zaitun, kelapa sawit, kelapa, castor); essential oil (tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus); air tulen dan natrium hidroksida.

Fungsi: C-element soap boleh mengecilkan liang-liang bulu roma, memutih dan membersihkan kulit serta membuang sel-sel kulit mati. Ia juga berkesan bagi membuangkan kotoran dan rembesan minyak yang berlebihan daripada kulit.

Penggunaan: Untuk basuhan muka dan mandi harian. Pengguna yang alahan kepada pati minyak tumbuhan dan luka mesti guna dengan berhati-hati. Bilas dengan air yang banyak sekiranya terkena mata.

100 % sabun semula jadi berasaskan bahan tumbuhan.
Tiada bahan karsinogenik dan bahan pengawet.
Tiada bahan wangian dan pencelup kimia.
Hidup cara semula jadi, hidup jadi lebih sempurna !



Sabun Semula Jadi : Tea Tree Oil Aloe Soap

Tea Tree Oil Aloe Soap

Tea tree aloe soap direkakan khas untuk memutihkan kulit; melunturkan jerawat bintik hitam; melembap, memperbaiki dan penyenggaraan kulit yang sihat dan cantik. Sabun ini juga mempunyai daya antiseptik dan penyahjangkitan kuman yang kuat. Aloe vera ialah bahan pelembap semula jadi yang paling baik untuk kesihatan kulit. Kajian telah menunjukkan, A. vera boleh menggalakkan metabolisme dan penjanaan semula sel-sel badan justeru, dapat mempercepatkan proses pemulihan luka dan parut bagi menghasilkan kulit yang lembut dan licin. A. vera juga ialah penghalang sinaran UV yang baik dan menolong untuk menyingkirkan radical bebas kulit, justeru dapat memutihkan kulit dan memperlahankan proses penuaan. Minyak tea tree pula ialah bahan antiseptik yang kuat. Ia berkesan untuk melegakan masalah akne, jerawat hitam dan radang kulit; membantu menyahtoksikkan dan membersihkan kulit; mencegah jangkitan kuman dan menolong melegakan kegatalan kulit.

Bahan-bahan : Ekstrak Aloe vera segar, minyak semula jadi (avocado, jojoba, zaitun, kelapa sawit, kelapa, castor); bees wax, essential oil (tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus); air tulen dan natrium hidroksida.

Fungsi : Memutihkan, melembapkan dan melicinkan kulit. Membantu membersih dan menyahtoksikkan kulit. Antiseptik dan mencegah jangkitan kuman. Melancarkan proses penyembuhan luka. Menolong melegakan jangkitan kulit dan menyingkirkan bau badan.

100 % sabun semula jadi berasaskan bahan tumbuhan.

Tidak mengandungi bahan karsinogenik.

Tidak mengandungi bahan pengawet.

Tiada wangian dan pencelup kimia.

Hidup cara semula jadi, hidup jadi lebih sempurna!


Friday 23 October 2009




Tuesday 20 October 2009

Andrographis Herbal Soap

Andrographis Herbal Soap

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that Andrographis paniculata has anti-inflammatory; relieve swelling itching, pain; heat-clearing; detoxifying; anti-bacterial, antiseptic and promote healing of injuries effects. Traditionally, when children suffering on heat rash, simply use A. paniculata decoction for bath, the symptoms will disappear soon. Modern studies have proved that, A. paniculata has strong anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties. It could use to treat some infectious diseases such as traumatic infections, various types of bacterial infection and has antiviral effects. Study also shown that the andrographolide contained in the A. paniculata is more effective compared to some antibiotics in the treatment of bacillary dysentery, with no any side effects and toxicity.

Ingredients : Fresh A. paniculata leaves extract, natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor); natural essential oil (white camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil); purified water and sodium hydroxide.

Function : Effective to cure children heat rash and teenagers acne and pimple problems. Effective for disinfection and detoxification of skin. Antiseptic and help to prevent the infection of pathogenic germs; effective in relieving itching, prickly heat rash and skin irritation. Deep cleaning effects, help to solve blocked pores problems. Use daily could help to maintenance smooth and healthy skin.

100 % natural hand made, plant base soap. 

No carcinogenic substances.

No preservatives, fragrances and dyes.

Live naturally, life healthier!




中医认为穿心莲有消炎退肿,止痛止痒, 止血凉血和拔毒生肌的功效。穿心莲是清热解毒,御菌, 抗菌和杀菌的良药。传统上,当孩子身上出现红疹和热痱时, 只需用穿心莲煎剂冲凉, 症状很快就消失。现代研究证明, 穿心莲有很强的消炎解毒作用, 临床上曾应用于多种感染性疾病如外伤感染, 各类的细菌感染和抗病毒作用均有不同程度的疗效。研究更显示, 穿心莲中所含新穿心莲内酯在临床上对细菌性痢疾的疗效较一些抗生素为佳,且对身体无副作用和毒性。

成份 : 鲜穿心莲叶萃取物, 天然有机鳄梨油, 橄榄油, 棕榈油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 白樟脑, 薄荷精油, 尤加利精油, 天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

功能 : 能有效的消除小孩热痱和皮疹及青少年的痘痘问题。帮助皮肤消毒和排出毒素。能预防病菌感染, 消炎, 祛痘和止痒。能有效的洁净和净化肌肤, 天天使用能使皮肤滑嫩健康。

100 % 纯天然手工皂。全植物配方。


无防腐剂, 化学香精和化学染料。

Live naturally, life healthier!


Camphor Peppermint Soap

Camphor Peppermint Soap

Camphor Peppermint Soap is specially designed to remove dirt, skin disinfection and to give a total care on the skin. White camphor is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and bactericidal substance. It could use to treat acne, dermatitis, itchy skin and conditioning the skin. In addition, peppermint oils is a natural antibiotics, anti-depressants, anti-infective and a good deodorant agent. Peppermint oil helps to eliminate acne, dermatitis, eczema, itching skin and prevent viral infection. It could also help to purify the skin, balance the oil secretion, detoxification and elimination of blackheads. It's cooling and sweet smelling effects help to pacify emotions, elimination of fatigue and help people to regain vitality.

Ingredients : Natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor); natural essential oil (white camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil); purified water and sodium hydroxide.

Function : Antiseptic and effective in relieving itching, acne, prickly heat rash and skin irritation. Deep cleaning effects, help to solve blocked pores problems, eliminating bad smell, help to reconcile and facilitate the regeneration of the skin.

100 % natural hand made soap. 100 % plant base.
No carcinogenic substances.
No preservatives, chemical fragrances and chemical dyes.

Live naturally, life healthier !




樟脑薄荷皂是专供皮肤杀菌,防菌,调理,保养和祛污除垢而设计。白樟脑精油是天然的抗炎,抗菌,抗病毒和杀菌的天然物质。白樟脑精油对痤疮,青春痘, 痛风, 皮肤炎, 皮肤瘙痒和粉刺有调理的功效。而薄荷精油是天然抗生素, 抗抑郁和抗感染的物质。它具备抗炎消炎, 抗菌止痒, 净化除臭和收敛肌肤的功能。它能消除痤疮, 皮炎, 湿疹和皮肤的搔痒更能有效的预防病毒的感染和蚊虫的叮咬。薄荷在美容疗效还包括净化皮肤、平衡油脂分泌、排毒、消除黑头和粉刺。薄荷精油的清香和带冰凉的味道能使人精神振奋、安抚情绪、消除工作后的疲劳。沐浴后能使人重拾活力。

成份 : 天然有机鳄梨油, 橄榄油, 棕榈油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 白樟脑, 薄荷精油, 尤加利精油, 天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

功能 : 能有效的解决青少年青春痘问题。有效消除皮肤痕痒。消毒消炎防菌; 消除痱子皮疹。洁净肌肤; 消除体臭; 帮助解决毛孔阻塞问题, 调和与更新皮肤组织。

100 % 纯天然手工皂。全植物配方。不含化学致癌物。
无防腐剂, 化学香精和化学染料。

Live naturally, life healthier !


Cassia alata Soap

Cassia alata Soap

Cassia alata, also called Akebia Africa. It's medicinal part is fresh leaves. The people in the Southeast Asia use C. alata to treat various types of skin diseases such as eczema, ringworm and psoriasis. According to "Chinese herbs in Yunnan Simao ", C. alata has antipruritic effect, and could use to treat psoriasis, eczema, skin itching and heat rash. Modern studies have proved that, C. alata leaves extract has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects, and produce a very promising result in the treatments of eczema, ringworm and psoriasis. This Cassia medicated soap contains wild collected C. alata fresh leaves extract which incorporated into the soap by using cold process soap making method. In addition, tea tree and peppermint oils are added to maximize and further enhance it's antiseptic ability. These oils also produce a very nice scent to the soap.

Ingredients : Fresh C. alata leaves extract, Natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor); natural essential oil (tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus); purified water and sodium hydroxide.

Function : Could treat eczema, ringworm and psoriasis. Have antipruritic effect, which can effectively solve the problem of itchy skin. Antiseptic and effective in relieving itching, acne, prickly heat rash and skin irritation.

100 % natural hand made plant base soap. 

No carcinogenic substances.

No preservatives, fragrances and dyes.

 Live naturally, life healthier!

Saturday 17 October 2009



异名为非洲木通。药用部分为鲜叶。东南亚土族广泛用于治疗各类型的皮肤病如湿疹, 湿癣和牛皮癣。据《云南思茅中草药选》记述, 对叶豆性辛, 温, 有杀虫和止痒的功效。可用于治疗皮肤炎, 牛皮癣,湿疹, 皮肤瘙痒和疮疖肿疹。现代的医药研究证明, 对叶豆的叶片萃取物有很强的抗菌作用, 对湿疹, 湿癣和牛皮癣有一定的疗效。此药皂含野生对叶豆鲜叶, 经严谨处理和提取鲜叶汁后再以冷制制皂法精心制做而成。皂里更添加了杀菌力特强的茶树和薄荷精油, 以便在加强其杀菌能力的同时, 更使此皂带有茶树和薄荷的清新味道, 使沐浴变得更为享受。

成份 : 鲜对叶豆叶萃取物, 天然有机鳄梨油, 橄榄油, 棕榈油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 茶树精油, 薄荷精油, 尤加利精油, 天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

功能 : 帮助治疗湿疹, 湿癣和牛皮癣。有止痒的功效, 可有效的解决皮肤痕痒问题。也可用于治疗皮肤炎, 疮疖肿疹。

100 % 纯天然手工皂。全植物配方。


无防腐剂, 化学香精和化学染料。


活得天然, 活出健康!

Artemsia Herbal Soap

Artemsia Herbal Soap

Artemsia argyi is a high value medicinal plant. The Chinese medicine practitioners believe that A. argyi is warm, bitter taste and could stop bleeding. It's effects include cold-dispelling, relieve pain and itch, cure eczema, scabies, verruca vulgaris, verruca plana, scrotal eczema, rheumatoid , arthritis, skin rashes and dermatitis. Modern research also found that, A. argyi has strong disinfection property. Use of fresh A. argyi leaves extract in soap could enhance the antiseptic and disinfection effects of the soap. In addition, this soap formula also contains tea tree and eucalyptus oil which could further enhance and strengthen the anti-bacteria and antiseptic effects of the soap and help to relieve some skin problems. It helps to remove smell too and give a nice scent on the body after bath.

Ingredients : Fresh Artemsia argyi leaves extract, natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor); natural essential oil (white camphor, peppermint, eucalyptus); purified water and sodium hydroxide.

Function : Could treat eczema, scabies and verruca problems. Antiseptic and effective in relieving itching, acne, prickly heat rash and skin irritation. Deep cleaning effects, help to solve blocked pores problems, eliminating bad smell, help to reconcile and facilitate the regeneration of the skin.

100 % natural hand made, plant base soap. 

No carcinogenic substances.

No preservatives, fragrances and dyes.

Live naturally,  life healthier!



艾作为药用,主要取其叶片。中医认为, 艾叶性温, 味苦、辛, 功效为温经止血, 散寒止痛, 祛湿止痒。艾能治湿疹、疥癣、寻常疣、扁平疣、阴囊湿疹, 治风湿气两腿作痛, 皮疹和皮炎。现代研究更发现, 艾叶有很强的杀菌能力。将新鲜艾叶的萃取物加入肥皂可提高肥皂的杀菌和消毒能力。此配方更添加了珍贵的茶树和尤加利精油,使其更有效的杀菌, 防菌和解决一些皮肤的问题。艾叶皂更可有效的消除体味, 呵护和保养皮肤, 用后可使身体散发淡淡的优香。

成份 : 鲜艾叶萃取物, 天然有机鳄梨油, 橄榄油,棕榈油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 茶树精油, 薄荷精油, 尤加利精油, 天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

功能 : 帮助治疗皮肤癣, 疣和湿疹问题。有效的解决皮肤痕痒, 消毒防菌, 消除痱子皮疹和治疗青春痘。洁净肌肤, 消除体臭, 有助于解决毛孔阻塞问题, 调和与更新皮肤组织。

100 % 纯天然手工皂。全植物配方。


无防腐剂, 化学香精和化学染料。

活得天然, 活出健康!

C-Element Soap

C-Element Soap

C-element soap could shrink pores; firming and whitening the skin; removing dead skin cells and purifying the skin. It is also antiseptic, anti-itching, and help to absorb and remove excess oily and metabolism wastes from the skin. C-element soap which made by ultra-fine activated carbon particles could completely clear the dirt and excessive fat from the skin pores, moisten skin, remove odor and antibacterial. The far-infrared ray release from the carbon element could promote blood circulation and metabolism and alleviate fatigue. In addition, the lemon grass essential oil has relaxation effect, firming the skin, shrink pores and skin whitening effects. The use of C-element soap in daily life could help to form white, fine, firm and elastic skin.

Ingredients: Ultra-fine activated carbon powder, Natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor); natural essential oil (lemon grass, peppermint, eucalyptus); purified water and sodium hydroxide.

Function: C-element soap could shrink pores, firming the skin, removing dead skin cells, purifying and whitening the skin. It is effective to remove dirt and excessive oily waste from the skin. Daily use of C-element soap could help to form white, fine, firm and elastic skin.

Usage: For daily face wash and bathe. People which allergies, dry and wound skin must use with caution. Rinse with plenty of water if accidentally contact with eyes.

100 % natural hand made, plant base  soap. 

No carcinogenic substances. 

No preservatives, chemical fragrances and dyes.

Live naturally, life healthier !



炭元素皂具有收缩毛孔, 紧肤, 美白, 去死皮和净化皮肤的功能。更具有杀菌, 止痒, 吸附皮脂和皮肤新陈代谢物的功效。由超微粒炭元素粉末配制而成的炭元素皂, 能彻底清除毛孔污垢及过量油脂,滋润肌肤, 除异味和抑菌。炭元素所释放的远红外线能促进血液循环和新陈代谢及缓解疲劳。炭元素皂更添加了高效的柠檬草精油以帮助收敛松弛的肌肤, 收缩毛孔及美白肌肤。长期使用炭元素皂, 能使皮肤增白润滑, 紧实和富有弹性。它对青春痘, 溢脂性皮肤等也有明显效果。

成份: 天然有机鳄梨油, 橄榄油, 棕榈油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 柠檬草精油, 薄荷精油, 尤加利精油, 天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

功效: 炭元素皂具有收缩毛孔, 紧肤, 美白, 去死皮和净化皮肤的功效。能彻底清除毛孔污垢和过量油脂。长期使用能使皮肤滑嫩细白和富有弹性。

使用方法: 用于日常洗脸和沐浴。对植物精油过敏和伤口未愈合者慎用。如不慎进入眼睛, 立即用清水冲洗。

100 % 纯天然手工皂。全植物配方。


无防腐剂, 无化学香精和化学染料。

活得天然,  活出健康!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Tea Tree Oil Aloe Soap

Tea Tree Oil Aloe Soap

Tea tree oil aloe soap is designed to whitening skin, remove spot, moisturizing, reconditioning and maintenance beautiful skin; for disinfection and anti-infective purpose. Aloe vera is the most effective moisturizing ingredients in the nature. It is effective to nourishing and to give a smooth, soft and elastic skin. It could promote cells metabolism and regeneration which will facilitate the scars healing process; help to whitening and to remove spot; remove free radicals and slow down the aging process; anti-wrinkle; treat acne and help to detoxifying and purifying the skin. Tea tree oil has antiseptic, anti-bacteria, and anti-inflammatory effects. It could use to prevent germs infection, to treat dermatitis and itchy skin. Using tea tree oil aloe soap daily could help to maintain healthy, white, smooth, soft and beautiful skin.

Ingredients : Fresh Aloe vera extract, natural organic oil (avocado, jojoba, olive, palm, coconut, castor); bees wax, natural essential oil (tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus ); purified water and sodium hydroxide.

Function : Whitening skin and help to remove spot, moisturizing and lubricating skin; detoxifying, purifying and help to reconditioning and facilitate the regeneration of the skin. Effective to heal wound; disinfection and deodorizes; relieving sunburn, rashes, itching and skin irritation.

100 % natural hand made, plant base soap.

No carcinogenic substances.

No preservatives, chemical fragrances and dyes.

Live naturally, life healthier !



茶树芦荟皂是专为美容, 美白祛斑, 调理和保养皮肤组织, 消毒, 防菌和抗感染而特制。芦荟的天然保湿成份能有效的滋润肌肤,使皮肤柔润光滑和富有弹性。芦荟更具有促进细胞新陈代谢和皮肤再生的功效,帮助伤疤的愈合、养颜祛斑、防晒增白、消皱抗皱、使雀班变淡、治疗青春痘及净化体内自由基以延缓衰老。茶树油能有效的杀菌,防菌, 以起到消炎抑菌和止痒的效果, 使皮肤健康美丽。常用茶树油芦荟皂可使肌肤健康无暇, 细白滑嫩,青春美丽。

成份 : 天然有机鲜芦荟叶萃取物, 鳄梨油, 荷荷芭油, 橄榄油, 棕榈油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 蜂腊, 薄荷叶, 茶树精油, 薄荷精油, 白树精油, 天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

功能 : 美容, 美白祛斑, 保湿和润滑肌肤。帮助排毒, 净化皮肤, 调和与更新皮肤组织。有效帮助愈合伤口; 消毒, 防菌, 除体臭。调理晒伤; 消除痱子, 皮疹和皮肤炎。

100 % 纯天然手工皂。 纯天然配方。



活得天然, 活出健康!

Friday 2 October 2009



天然肥皂是由油脂, 强碱(氢氧化钠), 水等3种天然材料制造出来的清洁剂。因此, 天然手工肥皂也被称为“天然界面活性剂”。其它不是由油脂与强碱制造出来的清洁剂, 则被称为“合成界面活性剂”。合成洗涤剂是近年来引起环境污染, 使敏感性皮肤皱红的罪魁祸首!此外, 大部分市售的个人护理产品都加了一大堆复杂的化学原料和防腐剂。这些配方,泡沫浓密,祛污祛油超强, 特别适合用于清洗非生物物质如机械上的油污或布料。我们的身体, 皮肤并不是机械和布料, 是不需要如此强度的洗涤剂。研究更发现, 用于制造合成肥皂, 洗发液, 沐浴露, 化妆品和洗涤剂等的主要成份包括Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Triethanolamine (TEA), Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 等都被归纳为可能是会引起皮肤敏感和导致癌突变的致癌物质(1)。随着环保和保健意识的日益加强,我们有必要寻找更环保,更自然,更安全及无害的护理产品来洁净和保养我们的皮肤和健康.而手工天然香皂不但对肌肤温和, 而且还有利环保。因为手工香皂在与水接触后大约24小时, 就会被细菌分解成水与二氧化碳, 回归于自然。因此就算流到河川或大海, 都不会造成环境的污染。因此, 使用天然肥皂, 既能洗洁和保护身体的健康又能为照顾环境,尽一份力,何乐而不为呢!

天然之源所生产的纯天然手工皂, 是专为皮肤保养和护理而开发制做。以纯天然原料配方, 传统方案, 配合现代的科学分析和技术研制而成。从原料,生产过程, 成品乃至用后所留下的物质对环境都不会带来任何的伤害。当然它是专为洗涤, 保养和维护皮肤的健康而研制, 因此不会对皮肤有任何的不良副作用。

皮肤是我们的最大器官, 也是我们身体防疫系统的第一道防线。因长年暴露在周围恶劣的环境, 所以特别容易受到外围因素的破坏和感染。因此,适当的调理, 保养和祛污除垢是必需的。当然用适当和无有害化学元素的洗洁剂才真正能达到祛污, 洁净和保养的目的。而用纯天然的肥皂来达到以上的目的是即安全又有效的方法之一。

天然之源所生产的纯天然肥皂, 是採用纯天然有机棕榈油, 鳄梨油, 椰油, 篦痲油, 橄榄油, 荷荷巴油, 大豆油等高品质, 食品级的各类油脂, 经冷制皂法, 制做和生产。严谨的配方设计, 精确的制做过程和采用高品质的原材料, 以求达到品质最好的成品。纯天然的特别设计的配方, 以省能高效的冷制法和应用纯植物精油以达到护理和疗效, 是我们产品的最大特点。

在制造手工天然肥皂, 所用的水的水质也很重要。含氯的自来水是不适合用来制做天然肥皂, 因氯会影响上等肥皂的形成。而当氯遇上一些天然有机物时, 一些化学反应的结果将形成致癌物而严重的影响天然肥皂的品质。为了避免以上的问题, 天然之源用于生产天然手工肥皂的水是经过细心过滤的天然泉水(或井水)。所生产的天然香皂的品质也较一般的肥皂为佳。

没有氢氧化钠,就没有肥皂。氢氧化钠是一种化学盐。我们的食用盐也是一种化学盐。当然氢氧化钠是不能食用的盐, 可是却是制做天然肥皂不可缺乏的原材料。氢氧化钠是一种高碱性物质, 因此, 其用量必须很准确, 以防所形成的肥皂碱性过高而伤害到皮肤。天然之源所用以生产的肥皂的配方都是经过精心的设计和经过严格的研究开发而制定的。配合精密的配备, 所生产的肥皂都是微碱性肥皂, 不会伤害皮肤, 却拥有优良的洁净和调理的功效, 并适合用于身体的每一个部分,包括敏感的脸部。

天然肥皂有别于合成或添加了发泡剂的化工肥皂。天然肥皂的泡沫比较细小, 能给肌肤提供深层的洁净, 能有效的清除皮肤表层和隐藏在毛孔里的污垢。长期使用天然资源所生产的纯天然肥皂, 可以使皮肤时常保持清洁卫生。

为求达到洁净, 药效和特别的护理功能, 天然资源溶合了古人的智慧和现代的科学化研究, 将生长于大自然的草本精华, 经过细心和严密的处理, 将之混合在保健皂里, 使每次沐浴, 皮肤都能得到最好的呵护。天然资源所生产的“香皂”是完全没有添加化学或合成香精的。为了增强和添加手工皂的价值和功能, 天然之源所生产的天然香皂更添加了各类名贵的纯天然植物精油。

如樟脑薄荷皂更含有珍贵的白樟脑, 薄荷和优加利精油。白樟脑是天然的抗炎, 抗菌, 抗病毒和杀菌的天然物质。白樟脑对青春期所面对的痤疮和青春痘, 痛风, 炎症, 肌肉酸痛, 油性皮肤, 粉刺都有调理的功效。而薄荷精油在抗感染,抗炎,抗菌,抗寄生虫方面有奇效。薄荷精油更是消炎,止痒, 抗菌和净化皮肤的上好精油。薄荷更能平衡皮肤油脂的分泌, 并可帮助改善油性肤质。而优加利精油是天然的抗生素。研究显示优加利精油能有效的抵抗和预防真菌和病毒的感染。它更是净化皮肤和消除体臭的天然芳香剂。此外, 优加利精油也具有镇痛和抗风湿的功能。所以, 优加利精油是一些止痛止痒和制造风湿油的主要成份。

天然精油, 是制造手工皂不可或缺的重要成份。虽然, 精油的价格昂贵, 间接的提高天然手工皂的成本。然而, 其所提供的功能和功效, 是我们所必须注重的。而每一种天然植物或植物精油, 除了所具有的特别功效外, 也都有独特的气味。经过谨慎的研究和调配, 天然资源所生产的天然手工皂, 除了拥有特别的功效, 也有别树一帜的香味。

如是天然产品, 就必须採用全天然原料。天然资源所生产的手工皂是天然产物。我们的产品是完全不添加任何的防腐剂和化学染料, 那怕是所谓的食品级和标榜着安全使用的化学物。添加防腐剂和化学染料进手工皂里, 其实是一种无谓的浪费。有完美的配方, 应用正确的调配和制作方法, 再经过完整的皂化过程, 手工皂本身就拥有抗菌,杀菌和防腐的天然特性。

没有化学染料, 手工皂也不会变得默然失色。手工皂的色彩也可以很多样化, 很特别, 这完全视呼制作者的创意而定。天然之源所生产的肥皂, 所有的色彩都是由所用的天然原料所具有的, 经溶合汇聚而成。大自然就是最佳的创造者。大自然更是我们唯一的依归和最大的宝库。顺应自然, 遵循大自然的规律, 活得自然些, 生活也会变得更健康, 完美! 活得天然, 活出健康!

Monday 28 September 2009



